Michael Arrington Taking A Break

TechCrunch is a blog.  A blog about technology startups.  It is run by Michael Arrington, who is someone I consider to be a straight shooter.  When evaluating a new technology, company, or service, he states what he feels about it, and does it in a fair, straightforward manner.  He is not always right in his reviews (who could be?), but he is insightful and correct most of the time, from what I have read.

In today’s post, Some Things Need to Change, he spells out what his life has become over the past few years.  Because he calls things as he sees them, he has had to deal with a great number of indignities, including physical abuse, being spat upon by strangers, and worst of all, death threats upon him and his family last summer from what turned out to be a credible threat.

I have written posts based on items I have seen on TechCrunch at least 18 times over the past couple of years.  If you look them over, you can see the range of ideas and resources that he covers.  That he is needing to take time off and decide whether to continue is understandable; the actions by others that have forced this is not.

Mike, I hope you have a restful break, and that you are able to come to a clear decision that will be best for you, your family, and the world as a whole.

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